Never before has our club slogan meant so much.


We are delighted to have welcomed a lot of new members over the last few weeks and had so many people still able to compete with their horses. If you can’t there’s a free horseless competition every Friday! FREE FUN FRIDAY is just that…it’s free, it’s fun and it’s posted on Friday.


We are really enjoying the positive, forward thinking attitude of our members as they keep smiling through this unusual time in our history. Keep going everyone we can get through this!

Many are enrolling on the Certificate courses and rising up through the levels, some just for pleasure, others to gain their Accredited Trainer Status.  We’re working hard to keep you all busy and really enjoy hearing all your news and views.


However if all you want to do is sit in the field with your horses and smell the flowers that’s fine too!


The most important thing is to stay safe and have fun wherever you are.


Always here to support you,

The International Horse Agility Club Team


  1. Hertha James

    This is a very special and supportive club, no matter what type of horse you have, what you like to do with the horse, or how athletic or old in the tooth you are. Highly recommend becoming a member. Hertha James