Donkey League and Special Awards

The Donkey and Mule league has now been updated:

Donkey and Mule League Updated 3rd May 2022



On Line


Ellen Cochrane Inara  244

Judith Azzopardi Dinky  56

Katy Hughes Buttons 33

Wendy Barros A Girl Named Squirrel  20

Sandra Tudor Ivor 6



Walk Only On Line


Mandy Nutley Handsome 53

Nora Bateman Maude  42

Nora Bateman Coco 39

Nora Bateman Stanley 31

Nora Bateman Mabel Brooke 31

Nora Bateman Charlotte 29

Mandy Nutley Flute 24

Mandy Nutley Charlie 18

Sue Kelly Samson 16

Nora Bateman Charlie 7

Sandra Tudor Bilbo 6




Ellen Cochrane  Inara 132

Wendy Barros A Girl Named Squirrel 61

Lorraine Hayes Milly  8

Sue Kelly Sarah 3



Walk Only Liberty


Mandy Nutley Banjo  48

Mandy Nutley  Handsome 37

Nora Bateman Gertie  34

Mandy Nutley Flute 12

Sue Kelly Samson 5



Jena Adams and Now What – Perfect Score

Wolfgang Kotheil and A Move like Impulse – Perfect Score

Charity Canty and Little Bits Among Men – Perfect Score

Kendra Gale and Little Duke – Perfect Score

Ruth Muller and Chili – Perfect Score

Kim Gieseke and Mary – Perfect Score

AND last but not least…

Kate Morton and Bracken are awarded a Good Horsemanship Rosette.

