November Extra Course Results

We were incredibly impressed by the standard of these classes this month. Well done every single one of you! Photo is of young horse, Oak. If anyone else would like to feature on our banners (young horses or young humans!) do email us in a photo!

Results for our youngsters;



1.Ethan Morgan and Locket   59/60

1.Eira Bate and Poppy   59/60

2.Zoe Schweyer and Arana  58/60

2.Abigail Gaynier and Koko FOMO   58/60

2.Bannor McEwen and Solstice  58/60

3.Norah Doherty and Charlie  57/60


Young Horse

1.Kendra Gale and Boudica  60/60

1.Cheryl Van Herk and Miles  60/60

1.Alexandra Kerr and Sage  60/60

2.Cheryl Van Herk and Buddy   59/60

3.Catherine Tuke and Balvattie Seamus (Oak)  55/60
