Horse Agility International Non Ridden Equine Weekend competition

Horse Agility International Non Ridden Equine Weekend competition

To Celebrate International Non Ridden Equine Weekend of 1st and 2nd May 2021 The Horse Agility Club has teamed up with the Non Ridden Equine Association to offer a very special Horse Agility competition course.

Vanessa Bee, founder of Horse Agility, has designed a course so that everyone can take part with simple to build obstacles and a design that means you don’t need a camera operator if you don’t have one. Just prop your camera on the fence and get moving! You can use the help of a person to film if you want as well.

You can access the course plan by going to:

You will be asked for a donation of £5 to access the course which includes your entry fee.

Fantastic First Prize: An original pastel portrait of your equine by renowned artist Vicki Jayne Yates BA Hons.

Rosettes to 6th place with a score sheet and helpful hints for every entry.

Entry fee £5 with ALL entry fees going to The Non Ridden Equine Association to further their excellent work.

Closing date 25th April 2021 with results published on 1st May 2021.

Don’t be left out! Join in the fun and download the course NOW!